Sunday, 18 May 2014

My Healthy Life Diary Week One

So I have said it time and time again on this blog. I am going to get my life on track, I am going to lose weight, I am going to eat healthily yada yada yada...

Well here we go again. Only this time I am going to update you guys or the internet generally on a weekly basis. So I don't fail miserably on my blog again I am going to put a two week delay on my posts. So if you're reading this I am 2 weeks in - go me! 

Some healthy-ish snacks to get me started
So what is the reason for this sudden desire to be healthy? Well my clothes don't fit is the main reason. I had to buy some size 14 jeans last week just because I didn't have anything to wear. Now don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with a size 14. There is however something wrong when a year ago I had slimmed down from a 14 to.a 8/10 and I've gone back the other way. Even ignoring the annoyance of working so hard to lose the weight, it's a pain in the butt having to re-buy bigger clothes having ceremoniously dumped them a year ago. 

Secondly, I know I have put quite a bit of weight on in the last 2 months. The weight had slowly been creeping back on since before Christmas, but in the last 2 months I have gained half a stone. This is mainly to do with a change in lifestyle - I took a temporary promotion for 2 months which turned out to be pretty full on! I was eating breakfast & lunch at my desk, snacking while I worked into the evening and going home for a later dinner - not a very healthy lifestyle at all! 

So now I am back in my old job, I'm expecting to have a much quieter life - not because the job is easy but by comparison it's not going to be nearly as intensive. I am therefore going to take the opportunity to gain a much better work-life balance - something I have never been very good at. 

To begin with I am focusing my aim on two things: healthy eating and doing more ANY exercise at all. To keep track on my eating I am going to be using the MyFitnessPal app. I've used this on and off before and intend to be quite strict with myself when I use it. For exercise, a colleague recommended using the training programmes on the Race for Life website - I am initially going to focus on the 5k jogging programme. Unfortunately, I won't be able to enter the Race for Life as we will be on holiday but maybe next year if I do manage to keep this up!

So I'll check in next week and let you know how I've been getting on. If you want to join me on this journey feel free to comment below, I'd love to have some company and we can support each other. 
Speak soon x

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